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Buat Para Pemilik Blog Yang Sudah susah payah buat Laman Statis, Lha kok gak Muncul di Halaman Blog. Wah Percuma aja aku buat Laman ya mas? Jangan Gitu dong, Itu gampang kok, Kamu aja yang belum tau Caranya.
Saya tidak akan menerangkan dengan Metode Copy/Paste Kode HTML seperti pada Cara membuat Contact Us dan Cara Membuat Privacy Policy, Tetapi Hanya Metode Klik Saja. Tentu saja Lebih mudah. Siap ya.
Cara Memunculkan Laman Statis Blogspot
- Masuk Ke Blogspot anda.
- Siapkan Laman yang ingin anda munculkan di halaman statis.
- Masuk Ke Menu Tata Letak dan Klik Laman, klik edit dan cari Gadget Laman Seperti pada Gambar.
- Kemudian Centang Laman yang ingin anda munculkan di Halaman Statis Blog. Urutkan Sesuai Selera.
- Setelah Selesai klik Simpan.
- Reload Halaman Blog anda, Maka Laman sudah muncul di Halaman Blog.
Baca Juga :
- Cara Membuat Privacy Policy Situs Web Gratis!
- Tutorial Menghilangkan Read More Otomatis Untuk Blogspot
Jadi itulah cara memunculkan laman statis blogspot dengan mudah dan cepat. Sudah bisa kan?, jika belum bisa, tulis keluhan anda di kolom komentar ya teman-teman.
My name is Irina. I am an expert in posting articles and texts on various websites.
Would you be interested in mutual cooperation? In fact, I have to propose you something but before starting working answer please this questionnaire in the link below:
It takes no more than 3 minutes but will clarify all the details of the project and accelerate each stage of your future partnership.
Thank you in advance for your time and I’m looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.
If you require any further information about the questionnaire or anything else, feel free to contact me.
Best regards, Irina
My name is Irina. I am an expert in posting articles and texts on various websites.
Would you be interested in mutual cooperation? In fact, I have to propose you something but before starting working answer please this questionnaire in the link below:
It takes no more than 3 minutes but will clarify all the details of the project and accelerate each stage of your future partnership.
Thank you in advance for your time and I’m looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.
If you require any further information about the questionnaire or anything else, feel free to contact me.
Best regards, Irina
My name is Irina. I am an expert in posting articles and texts on various websites.
Would you be interested in mutual cooperation? In fact, I have to propose you something but before starting working answer please this questionnaire in the link below:
It takes no more than 3 minutes but will clarify all the details of the project and accelerate each stage of your future partnership.
Thank you in advance for your time and I’m looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.
If you require any further information about the questionnaire or anything else, feel free to contact me.
Best regards, Irina